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How Can I Keep My Kids Safer During Trick-or-Treating?

Halloween is one of the holidays most kids look forward to each year, but it can also be a dangerous night if proper precautions are not taken. If your kids are going trick-or-treating this year, you can take some steps to keep them a bit safer as they explore the neighborhood and look for the house that gives out full-size candy bars. And if someone does get hurt, our Washington D.C. pedestrian accident lawyers are ready to assist you.

How Can I Reduce the Risk of Injuries on Halloween?

Keeping an eye on your kids on Halloween can be difficult. They are excited and might not always take the most rational or safe approach to their trick-or-treating. This is why it is important for you to establish a few ground rules and consider how your own behavior can keep your kids safer. We recommend that you:

  • Warn your children about cars that could come out of driveways or turn down the street
  • Tell your kids to look both ways before crossing the street
  • Advise your kids to make eye contact with a driver before crossing the street in front of them
  • Make sure that each child has something glowing or reflective on their costume or treat bag so that they are easier for drivers to see
  • Avoid masks that can affect your child’s field of vision
  • Stay off your own phone and keep your attention fully on your children

It can also be helpful to map out a safer trick-or-treating route beforehand.

How Can I Make a Safe Trick-or-Treating Route?

This is easier if you know your neighborhood well, but even if you are new to the area you can take a drive around at night and make notes about what places look safest for trick-or-treating. Keep to well-lit areas and roads with sidewalks while avoiding darker streets and curvy roads that could make it harder for a driver to avoid a child that they suddenly see on the road.

What Should I Do If My Child Gets Hurt While Trick-or-Treating?

If your child does get hurt while trick-or-treating, get them medical care right away. Even if the injuries seem minor, the adrenaline from an accident could mask more serious pain and injuries. In some cases, your child might downplay their injury because they want the night to continue.

Take pictures of the injuries and the scene where the accident occurred. If a driver was involved, get their information. Talk to any witnesses and get their information. Then document everything, like medical bills, that could be used in a personal injury case.

Talk to Our Legal Team

If your child does get hurt on Halloween, you may have legal options. Contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC and ask to schedule a consultation. We can take a closer look at your case and help you fight for the compensation that you deserve.