A doctor in a white coat discusses results on a clipboard with an older man sitting on a medical exam table in a brightly lit clinic. The man wears a light blue shirt and jeans, and they both appear engaged in conversation.

Washington, D.C. Nursing Home Fall Lawyer

When a loved one is a resident of a nursing home, it is important that the staff properly protect and care for him or her. The staff has a legal duty to provide a standard of care. When a nursing home staff falls below the standard set forth by law, it can be considered negligence. One such instance is elderly falls and injuries. It is the responsibility of the staff to ensure that they protect their residents. If your family member has suffered a fall that led to serious injury, contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC to discuss your legal matter. a nursing home fall lawyer at our firm will assess your case and guide you through your legal options. We understand how significant these matters are and we are ready to help. Contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC today.

Elderly Falls

There is a vicious cycle regarding elderly falling: weakness increases the likelihood of falling and falling further injures and weakens us. Since falling is such a danger for those with less bone density and muscle strength, nursing homes have a special duty to prevent falls and treat injuries that result. Contact a Washington, D.C., nursing home fall attorney.

Vulnerable people fall on hard floors and can strike almost any object on the way down. Depending on their height, and the hard surface they impact, they could suffer broken bones, frequently hips and wrists. Hitting one’s head is likely to result in catastrophic and life-threatening injury.

A Duty to Protect

Every possible precaution should be taken to prevent falls. Adequate and trained staff should be available to help vulnerable people get out of bed, go to the bathroom, etc. They must respond when called, or bedridden people will attempt to get up themselves. Those able to get up themselves should have beds and furniture that is not difficult to use, as well as rails to guide and support them. Those in danger of falling may need padding on their hips to avoid injury. People suffering from confusion or Alzheimer’s need special attention. Floors should be dry and free of clutter. If someone does fall, there are alarms that may be automatically sounded, or sounded by the victim. A nursing home may be liable if a resident’s injury is caused by poor lighting, substandard equipment, or treatment that contributes to the fall and injury.

Contact a Washington D.C. Nursing Home Fall Lawyer

Anytime someone falls, they should be checked for injury, and families should be notified. Trombly & Singer, PLLC can advise you on the liability of nursing homes and represent you in seeking compensation for your loved one’s injuries. We take all cases seriously and our lawyers handle all matters personally. Contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC for a consultation to discuss your legal matter.

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