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What Should I Do After a Boating Accident in Washington D.C.?

Here in Washington D.C., now that it’s summer, many people enjoy taking boats out off the coast. Though boating is a great deal of fun, it can also be dangerous if certain rules and regulations are not followed. If you were recently injured in a boating accident, please don’t hesitate to speak with our experienced Washington D.C. injury attorneys to learn more about boating accidents and how our firm can help. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What are some common boating accident causes?

Boating accidents can occur for a wide variety of reasons, though they are typically the result of negligence on the part of at least one person. Just some of the most common examples of boating negligence that we’ve seen over the years are as follows:

  • Failure to properly inspect the boat before setting out
  • Operating boats while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Operating motor boats without a license to do so or without sufficient experience
  • Failing to have safety equipment, such as flotation devices on board
  • Operating motor boats while distracted, causing collisions with other boats or fixed objects in the water
  • Operating motor boats at excessive speed

If you were injured as a passenger due to any of the aforementioned, there’s a strong chance you’ll have a valid injury claim. Additionally, if you’re injured as a boat operator by another boat operator exhibiting negligent behavior, you may also have a valid claim.

What damages can I receive?

As long as our firm can gather and present sufficient evidence to prove that you were injured as a direct result of another party’s negligence, you should receive financial compensation to help offset some of the economic and non-economic burdens you’ve incurred. Economic damages include lost wages, medical bills, and more, while non-economic damages include pain and suffering, disfigurement, decreased quality of life, emotional distress, and more.

Though you may wish to wait and see if your injuries heal on their own before pursuing compensation, you should note that the statute of limitations for injury claims in Washington D.C. is, traditionally, three years, meaning if you wait longer than three years, you’ll likely lose your right to bring a claim altogether. Give us a call today so we can assess the circumstances of your injury, inform you of your options, and begin to fight for the financial compensation you deserve.


Contact the experienced personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Trombly & Singer, PLLC for help with your injury claim.